



        On February 11, 2016, while everyone was immersed in the happinese of family union during the new year's festival , our Scanmed General Manager Mr.Lin was already  leading our vice General Manager, foreign trade manager and other staff in following the famous  urologist expert professor Chunxiao Liu in embarking on a medical study and research trip to India .


         此次前往印度,是为了有效开发印度市场,参加 Advancements in Endourology (AIE2016 )的实例手术技术学术研讨会。

        This Indian trip is mainly  for effectively opening  the Indian market by attending  a live operation workshop and academic seminar regarding Advancements in Endourology (AIE2016),at which doctors from different countries can exchange surgical techniques.


        People who attended the conference were mainly urological experts from all over India and other countries,  like China,Britain, Italy, the united Arab emirates (uae), Nepal and Bangladesh.They were invited  to perform live operation and give speeches to share surgical experience. This conference gathered  more than 300 experts which has a huge impact on the improvement of medical research.


        The conference was mainly proceeded with live surgery and communication. 18 cases in 2 days, and 2 of them were named by Scanmed.

        手术的主刀医生刘春晓教授,以娴熟的刀法再配上我司等离子双极电极,第一刀就赢得了全场所有专家医师热烈的掌声。本次手术不到半小时便完成了,手术直播现场300多专家频频叫好、鼓掌。 与会专家惊叹于刘教授高超的手术技巧和我司主机的优越性能,大赞司迈双极等离子速度远超单极和其余任何双极产品。现场气氛如此热烈,令人兴奋又自豪。

        Prof. Liu performed the TURP with his excellent operation and our Generator. The first cut won applauses of full house and first case finished in 25 mins. Over 300 surgeons all cheered for Prof. Liu and amazed by the suprior of Scanmed Generator.They praised our Bipolar Plasma far more better than any other TURP products.




After the cases, surgeons all gathered around Scanmed booth eager to know the Resection & Coagulation System.      


This conference is an officially announcement to march India and we believe Scanmed can earn her name in this land.




